Friday, July 18, 2008

Show me your scary face!

As prissy as Avery may come across, she is still being raised with 2 older brothers. Below is what they have taught her to do!!

a little behind

Happy super late 4th of July!!!
Sorry these pictures were just too cute to not post.

We spent the morning at our new favorite summer hot spot,Bounce U! Then we went down to the beach for dinner and fire works.Nothing exciting but good family times were had by all!

Uncle Sam and the Kids-this is what most of the pictures looked like-Avery just will NOT stay still,Drew is way to cool for my geekie photo shoots and Bruno eats it up!

I have mentioned in previous posts that there are some major changes happening in the Boyens house.Well,I figured now is the perfect time to spill the beans.

After 5 long,wonderful,crazy years home, I am going back to work!!!! I was offered a teaching position at a local private school and they made me an offer I could NOT refuse-FREE tuition for all of my children!!!! It has been amazing to sit back and watch God work this out for our family. I was not looking for a job,I was not looking to change the boys schools-it seriously fell into my lap,then just worked itself to fit my life perfectly. When I was made the original offer,I only thought the school could accommodate Bruno for VPK.I did not know that in the 7 yrs since I 1st taught there they opened a 1 year old room for Avery and started an LRC (learning resource center) for Drew. Call it coincidence but I call it GOD!

Next Friday is my official last day of daycare.Can I get a Whooo Hoooo? I am beyond ready to reclaim my house,my kids toys,my sanity and my family! Daycare has been good to us and has allowed me to stay home with the kids all while bringing in decent money BUT my time is up! Like my last post said,I have other kids in my house from 6:15am till 5:45(and a night time girl till 11pm) I can't even tell you how ready I am to leave for work,do what I love,be there with my kids,leave with just my kids,come home and take care of JUST MY KIDS! Not to mention all the added benefits teachers receive-paid holidays,summers off,awesome hrs,etc.

The boys are so excited.It absolutely broke my heart when I told Drew the news and his 1st response to me was,"You mean those stinkin kids wont be at our house anymore and you can pick me up at car circle?-AWESOME !" I think this will be so fantastic for Drew's academic success. The ratio's are so much smaller than public school plus he gets as much time in LRC as they feel he needs not what some standardized tests claims.

This has also been a reason for my lack in postings.If you know my personally ,you know I am a little bit of a perfectionist/freak/Martha Stuart(minus the cooking part)/theme oriented type of a girl. I love to decorate and my classroom is no exception. I have all next week to get in my room and put the "Grace" touch on it. I will be taking before and after pics to post for you all.

Wish me luck!!!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

relaxing summer???

Sorry for not posting lately-many,many many changes happening here in the Boyens house. I will start slow and hopefully be a blogging fool today to catch you all up! BUT first...

I am in need of a serious break! Summer is to be relaxing,right? Well not when you have 3 kids and run a daycare! I know it's my fault,I am the one who plans all of our little adventures.My kids are fine with packing a lunch and heading to the park for the day. I don't know why I am such a super freak and feel the need to be constantly entertaining my children.And with Bobby's work schedule ,It is mostly just me and the kids.So I am the one who plans the outing,packs the bags,gets the kids ready,takes them where ever,sets the rules for the day,feeds them,snaps all the pictures,answers the countless questions from the boys,comes home to bath and feed them,not to mention: unpack the bags,clean out the van and start 1 of the 3 loads of laundry we created that day. Sooo,there hasn't been much time for blogging!

Don't get me wrong we have had tons of fun and made many wonderful family memories.I have spent more money this summer on entertaining my kids then I have all stinkin year! We are on the go everyday! And to top off my summer madness-Football starts this Wednesday-so we will be at the field 5 nights a week from 6:30-8:30.The only good thing about being at the field is it will keep me from spending money.

Well I am done venting my "Mommy Blues" and off to start our day.But before I go let me just give you my schedule for the day.

6:00 wake up to find all the dogs bathing stuff on the living room & bathroom floor
6:15 first daycare child here
6:15-7:30 on computer,blogging,paying bills,checking email also threw in a load of towels
7:30-8:30 wake kids up,make breakfast,get everyone dressed,make beds,pack lunches
8:30- another daycare child arrives
8:30-9:30 work on the massive pile of paperwork sitting on my coffee table,and laundry
9:30-10:00 load all 5 kids in my van and off to Drew's test(will explain later)
10:00-11:00 Drew in testing while I try to creatively entertain 4 other children???
11:00-12:00 drop off prescriptions, get van inspected for new insurance, pay Target bill
12:00-1:00 get the kids lunch and play at the park
1:00-3:30 unload and put everyone down for a rest-fight with Bruno for an hr to lay down-while kids are sleeping,even more laundry,iron,clean out closet,organize DVD's that are all over my living room(thanks Avery) and I am sure there will be dishes
3:30-5:30 snack time,fold and put away blankets,play w/ kids ,start dinner and then daycare kids leave but my night time child arrives(shes great though-10 yr old girl who helps!!)
5:30-7:00 off to the gym for some serious cardio
7:00-8:30 dinner,clean up, bath for all 3 kids,story,dessert,brush teeth and bed
8:30- 9:00 scrub kitchen floor and Avery's high chair,wipe down bathroom and yell at Bruno for not staying in his room
9:00 Bobby gets home!!!!

Happy Monday!!!!!