Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Boo Boo for Bruno

Last night I took the kids for a walk on the trail. The boys rode their scooters while I pushed Avery in her stroller.We live right by an overpass on the Pinellas County trail,the boys always think it is way cool to be up there looking at all the cars-Plus on the other side is the park.

Anyway,We made it to the top of the overpass then the boys decided they were going to ride the scooters down. I knew in my heart this was a bad idea,I wish I would of just stuck to my guns and said,No! I was behind them pushing Avery when I watched Bruno gain way to much speed and loose control. My screams were useless,it's all I could do as I I ran towards him. He fell face first into the concrete then just kept going,feet,face,feet,face,feet,face.I honestly thought he wasn't going to get up-it happened so fast and was so terrifying to watch. Even Drew was screaming and crying for his brother.After his body stopped at the bottom he immediately got up and ran towards me screaming..that was such a relief. I calmed him down then attempted to carry him,the scooter and push Avery all the way to our Dr's house who lives the next street over-he wasn't home.Where was my cell phone you ask? at home charging..which I never go anywhere without it!

We made it home and my neighbor who is a nurse came over to check out Bruno. He was fine just banged up and still in some shock.Our main concern was what may of happened internally-he hit his head so hard!I am a mother of 2 boys,I expect bumps,scraps,bruises,the occasional broken bone even but NOT watching my son violently go down an overpass bashing his head in the cement over and over again-Well,that's more than I can handle!
This all happened around 7pm so we kept Bruno up until 10:30 when he passed out on the couch then I woke him up every 2 hrs to checked his pupils. He was back to "Bruno" this morning insisting on going to school to show his friends his bloody face!

Last night after he calmed down
Today before school-So proud!(such a boy!)
Oh but wait,it hurts!-my little actor


Mandi said...

He's one tough cookie! I'm glad he's ok.

Laurie said...

OMG! Owie! Yikes- watching that...that helpless feeling- oy! Glad he's ok and ready to show off his battle wounds!