Friday, October 12, 2007

a light at the end of the tunnel

So Drew and I came to an agreement.
We now have "Drew was caught being good" cards.
Every time we notice him doing something worthy we will put a
"Drew was caught being good" card in a ziplock bag...
which by the way is labeled, "Drew was caught being good".
Once he gets 10 cards he will then be able to choose whichever toy he wants to get back that he lost do to poor behavior.

Drew is such a visual learner ,
I hope that he can see that his actions
good or bad have consequences.

So of course he asks, if he gets more than 10 cards
can he just get a brand new toy???

And they say he is a slow learner!!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

LOL. I think he is totally hustling you.

By the way, I think you have the LONGEST word verification words I've ever seen.