Thursday, March 27, 2008

Avery's CT scan

On Tuesday Bobby and I took Avery for her for her 9 month check up.
She is 20 lbs and 29 inches,developmental right on track.
Her head circumference is 48 cm's which is way off the charts.
We have always joked that Avery has a big noggin like her brothers
but this time it's not so funny.

Dr Vaughan showed me her growth curve and her head has just shot straight up, it's not even on a curve of it's own. I was alarmed over this at her 6 mouth check up but we just pawned it off on it being hereditary. With all that said Dr Vaughan gave us a script with a diagnosis of Macrocephaly (big head) We had an appointment today at All Children's Hospital for a CT scan of her brain.

When we asked what could this mean he gave us several possibilities. It probably is just genes...Bobby and I both have big heads,and have you ever seen Marty my brother?
Another possibility is hydrocephalus, which is where they would put a shunt in her head to drain the Cerebral Spinal Fluid into her belly or God forbid it be some sort of tumor.

We get the results back tomorrow morning so all you parents out there reading this know we will not be sleeping this evening. My stomach has been in knots since Tuesday and I have Avery's name on every prayer list I know. I have a strong faith in God and know that my beautiful baby girl is in his hands which brings such a peace to my heart.

Avery was such a trooper! She just let them strap her up in a little blanket thingy,strapped her head down and she just laid there sucking her binky...I think it helped that they had sugar-water to dip it in! The hardest part was not letting her eat 4 hrs prior to the CT.

I on the other hand was a mess.To see your baby strapped down and put in such a huge machine,knowing in the back of your head that the results could be absolutely awful...I did my best to not burst into tears.

I will update everyone tomorrow when we get the results-


Miss Becky said...

You're in our thoughts and prayers. You will get through this, no matter what 'it' is. Love.

Rhiannon said...

She is quite the trooper! Please keep us updated. Avery will be in my thoughts. Hugs to you!!

Angelle said...

Oh my gosh, Grace! I am sending out good vibes that it is nothing. I read this other blog and the lady's son had an abnormally large head but they didn't catch it until he was almost 3! Here is a link to when she discovered it.